BAKTI Kominfo Podcast

Badan Aksesibilitas Telekomunikasi dan Information, well known as BAKTI, is the institution part of the Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Information that is responsible to provide the telecommunication infrastructure in 3T areas in Indonesia. Since its establishment in 2006, BAKTI has a role to increase the infrastructure development in remote areas that do not have telecommunication and facility services yet.

Referring to strategic thinking, Alight implements several activities to achieve the above objectives. The implementation of a guerrilla digital marketing campaign is one of the activities to socialize the program through a digital platform that would reach wider market segmentation. In terms of social media, Alight is responsible to provide the strategy and make the development.

There are some good results after implementing those activities, BAKTI Podcast gets 1,408 new users and Guerrilla Marketing Campaign. And received a five stars or 5.0 score in Google Playstore with comments and a positive rating from 568 users, with 1, 031,559 social media impression.

Kominfo Podcast as Digital Strategies & Support from Alight Integrated Strategic Communications
Kominfo Podcast as Digital Strategies & Support from Alight Integrated Strategic Communications
Kominfo Podcast as Digital Strategies & Support from Alight Integrated Strategic Communications
Kominfo Podcast as Digital Strategies & Support from Alight Integrated Strategic Communications

Digital Strategies & Support

Kominfo Podcast as Digital Strategies & Support from Alight Integrated Strategic Communications
Kominfo Podcast as Digital Strategies & Support from Alight Integrated Strategic Communications

Digital Strategies & Support